
Thanks for checking out my personal site! Here you’ll find a little about myself and professional experience, educational papers, and some technical posts on various engineering topics such as Web Development, Machine Learning and AI, and possibly some ramblings of a coffee deprived engineer.

Please feel free to contact me using the links provided in the profile section!

About Me

I was born and raised in the heat of Arizona and recently graduated with a Master’s Degree in Software Engineering from Arizona State University. In 7th grade, I took an introduction to computers class and learned how to add and remove hardware from a desktop. The rest is history (Thanks, Mr. Harold).

Developing Software takes up most of my time, outside of that I love to listen to music, play guitar, and hang out with my friends and family.

Over the past few years, I’ve found myself passionately engaged in a variety of projects which include being the Technical Director for TEDxASU in pursuit of embracing continuous learning and spreading ideas.

In addition, I am also designing a cross-platform education application, launching later this year. My goal is to help students get organized while supplying supplemental learning material from around the web.


About this site

This site was generated from the academicpages template and is also hosted through GitHub pages.